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In the current volatile economic environment, which includes the risk of a global recession, geopolitical tensions and rising market volatility, investment decisions can be challenging.

Despite this turmoil, Private Equity (PE) continues to remain a key driver of the global economy and continues attracting investors who seek diversification, yield, and calculated risk.
Private Equity is at the crossroads of various tensions and megatrends that makes even more relevant as an asset class for investing.

To gain insight into current PE trends and address critical questions related to the role and potential risks of PE investments, François de Mitry, Astorg Managing Partner, is available for analysis and discussion.


18h30 Welcome 

19h00 Keynote speech by François de Mitry

19h30 Onstage interview moderated by Pascal Rapallino

19h45 Q&A with the audience

20h00 Networking cocktail


Restaurant SixSeven

103, Grand-Rue

L-1660 Luxembourg

Picture Report


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